It didn’t take long to notice Bennett’s little ear and lip. I was so confused and truthfully thought I was looking at a skin tag of some sort. My happiness was suddenly flooded with worry..
Meanwhile, the doctor was mashing on my abdomen and monitor alarms are going off. I noticed my blood pressure was in the 70s and heart rate was 130.. nurses were hanging multiple liters of fluids and things were once again moving very quickly. They couldn’t get my placenta out and I was hemorrhaging. Off to the operating room we went.
My poor husband was left all alone with a baby boy that was just a few minutes old. He will tell you that he was too afraid to move so he held Bennett until his arm was numb and burning.
I was awake for the entire surgery and absolutely terrified. Shaking uncontrollably and so nauseated. My mind was racing - worried about what could be going on with my sweet baby and scared about what was happening to me. I was given TXA and methergine to help reduce the bleeding and was later told that I lost a liter of blood.
You guys, HEMORRHAGING WAS MY BIGGEST FEAR regarding childbirth.
After surgery, I puked all over myself and felt like I got hit by a semi. It was super glamorous. The next 7 hours they kept a close eye on me and drew my blood multiple times to check my hemoglobin and hematocrit. My hgb went from 14 to 12 to 7 and my nurse said my hematocrit “was shit” but I don’t know the exact number. Thankfully I dodged getting a blood transfusion!
My labor and delivery were so beautiful and truthfully, it breaks my heart that it ended the way it did. In some ways I feel like I got robbed of the excitement of becoming a mom. I don’t mean to complain and I’m sorry if it seems that way. I realize that I am fortunate and I’ll keep reminding myself that the entire experience was mostly all good ;)
We found out months later that I had Placenta Accreta. *Placenta Accreta is a serious pregnancy condition that occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall.
Typically, the placenta detaches from the uterine wall after childbirth. With placenta accreta, part or all of the placenta remains attached. This can cause severe blood loss after delivery.
