We were at the park all of 5 minutes before the questions started. “What happened to his ear?” My response was short and sweet. “Nothing happened, it’s how he was born.” I wish I could say it gets easier every time someone asks about Bennett’s looks, but it doesn’t.
Fast forward a while later and the same little 8 year old boy was back with more questions. “I see something is wrong with his mouth. Is that why is teeth are crooked?” The look on Bennett’s face was pure confusion. He hears and understands everything and knew the conversation was about him. My heart sank and eyes burned with tears that wanted to flow. I kept my cool but my heart was aching. My response to the little boys curiosity was “nothing is wrong, just different. It’s what makes him unique and special!”
It hurts me that he will face these questions regularly for the rest of his life. Especially knowing that I won’t always be around to answer or protect his sweet little heart. Being completely realistic, I know the hardest days are still ahead. However that doesn’t make moments like today hurt any less. We will continue to raise him with confidence and lift him up when he is down. He will always know how unique, smart, loving, intelligent, caring and perfect he is.
Once again, I ask you to educate your children. Talk about differences of all kinds and answer their questions. Show them pictures and teach them that being different is okay! Remind them how boring life would be if we were all the same.
Also just realizing I haven't updated on the blog regarding our ear surgery journey. Will do so very soon!
