13 months later and I’m still flooded with a million feelings when I look at this photo. It was taken shortly after Bennett joined us earth side. You can see the worry on my face and the thoughts racing through my mind. Confusion, shock, fear and worry stole what should have been one of the happiest days of my life.
I regret letting those thoughts consume me.
I wish I could go back in time and hug this new mama. I would dry her tears and tell her that every single thing will be okay. I’d make her stop the google searches, the shower meltdowns and the self blame. I’d assure her that her sweet baby will do all the things she’s worried he may never do. That with each milestone achieved, the worries will melt away. I would tell her that she is stronger than she thinks and so is her little boy. I’d encourage her to simply enjoy him up and soak up every fleeting moment.
