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june 29th 2019

kaley hilfman

I woke at 4 am with an unfamiliar pain in my stomach. A tightness that would come and go every 15 to 20 minutes. I got up for the day, showered and began getting ready to hit the farmers market with my hubby. 

By 8 am, the pain was coming every 5 minutes. I waited another hour before calling my OB. They told me to go to the hospital but I was afraid I wasn't the real deal.. so I waited another 2.5 hours for good measure. 

We got to the hospital at 11:30 am and I was 3 cm and 80% effaced. She had me hang around for 2 hours to see if my body “made changes.”

For those two hours, we walked the halls and I bounced on the yoga ball. Stopping to breathe through each contraction. When she re-checked me at 1:30 pm and I was only at 4 cm. I thought we would get sent home but she made it clear that if we left, we’d just have to come right back in a few hours. 

“Wanna stay and have a baby?” She asked. 

Of course we said YES! I honestly cannot even put the excitement I was feeling into words. It was really happening!!

We were moved to our labor and delivery suite and Hilf ran to the car to get our baby bag & pillows. (I was so certain we’d get sent home that I wouldn’t let him bring any of our things in! Hahah!) We walked, I bounced on a yoga ball, soaked in the jacuzzi tub and walked some more.

4:38 pm I was 6 cm and decided it was time for an epidural. My nurse called anesthesia and of course, two other ladies having babies asked for their epidural right before me. 

6:00 pm I got my epidural! 

6:42 pm I was 8 cm! Things were moving quickly!

Bennett entered the world at 8:13 pm after two pushes. After many months of waiting and wondering - we finally found out the gender. The doctor held our little one up in the air and I yelled “ITS A BOY!” His little cries were the sweetest thing I have ever heard. His little face was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I'll never find the words to explain the amount of love I felt the moment they placed him on my chest..

6 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches.

Our little love, Bennett Thomas, was finally here!



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